Returns 1 if and only if the first value is greater than the second for each matched pair of bands in image1 and image2. If either image1 or image2 has only 1 band, then it is used against all the bands in the other image. If the images have the same number of bands, but not the same names, they're used pairwise in the natural order. The output bands are named for the longer of the two inputs, or if they're equal in length, in image1's order. The type of the output pixels is boolean.

this: image1ImageThe image from which the left operand bands are taken.
image2ImageThe image from which the right operand bands are taken.


// Show world oceans in blue and anything higher than the ellipsoid as gray.
// The bedrock layer is generally close to the geoid (sealevel).
var elevation = ee.Image('NOAA/NGDC/ETOPO1').select('bedrock');
var waterLand =;
var waterLandViz = {palette: ['cadetblue', 'lightgray']};
Map.addLayer(waterLand, waterLandViz, 'water_land');

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
# Show world oceans in blue and anything higher than the ellipsoid as gray.
# The bedrock layer is generally close to the geoid (sealevel).
elevation = ee.Image('NOAA/NGDC/ETOPO1').select('bedrock')
water_land =
water_land_viz = {'palette': ['cadetblue', 'lightgray']}
m = geemap.Map()
m.add_layer(water_land, water_land_viz, 'water_land')