
Converts array bands of an image with equally-shaped, possibly multidimensional pixels to an image of arrays with a new shape.

Image.arrayReshape(lengths, dimensions)Image
this: imageImageThe image of arrays to reshape.
lengthsImageA 1-band image specifying the new lengths of each axis of the input image specified as a 1-D array per pixel. There should be 'dimensions' lengths values in each shape' array. If one of the lengths is -1, then the corresponding length for that axis will be computed such that the total size remains constant. In particular, a shape of [-1] flattens into 1-D. At most one component of shape can be -1.
dimensionsIntegerThe number of dimensions shared by all output array pixels.


// A function to print arrays for a selected pixel in the following examples.
function sampArrImg(arrImg) {
  var point = ee.Geometry.Point([-121, 42]);
  return arrImg.sample(point, 500).first().get('array');

// Create a 1D array image with length 6.
var arrayImg1D = ee.Image([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toArray();
print('1D array image (pixel)', sampArrImg(arrayImg1D));
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

// Reshape the 1D 6-element array to a 2D 2 (row) x 3 (column) array. Notice
// that elements are filled row by row in the reshaped result.
var reshape2x3 = arrayImg1D.arrayReshape(ee.Image([2, 3]).toArray(), 2);
print('2D 2x3 array image (pixel)', sampArrImg(reshape2x3));
// [[0, 1, 2],
//  [3, 4, 5]]

// Use -1 to auto-determine a dimension length. For example, here we set
// 3 rows and let Earth Engine determine the number of columns needed.
var reshape3x_ = arrayImg1D.arrayReshape(ee.Image([3, -1]).toArray(), 2);
print('2D 3x? array image (pixel)', sampArrImg(reshape3x_));
// [[0, 1],
//  [2, 3],
//  [4, 5]]

// Flatten a 2D 2x3 array to 1D 6-element array.
var flattened = reshape2x3.arrayReshape(ee.Image([-1]).toArray(), 1);
print('2D array flattened to 1D', sampArrImg(flattened));
// [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
# A function to print arrays for a selected pixel in the following examples.
def samp_arr_img(arr_img):
  point = ee.Geometry.Point([-121, 42])
  return arr_img.sample(point, 500).first().get('array')

# Create a 1D array image with length 6.
array_img_1d = ee.Image([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toArray()
print('1D array image (pixel):', samp_arr_img(array_img_1d).getInfo())
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Reshape the 1D 6-element array to a 2D 2 (row) x 3 (column) array. Notice
# that elements are filled row by row in the reshaped result.
reshape2x3 = array_img_1d.arrayReshape(ee.Image([2, 3]).toArray(), 2)
print('2D 2x3 array image (pixel):', samp_arr_img(reshape2x3).getInfo())
# [[0, 1, 2],
#  [3, 4, 5]]

# Use -1 to auto-determine a dimension length. For example, here we set
# 3 rows and let Earth Engine determine the number of columns needed.
reshape3x_ = array_img_1d.arrayReshape(ee.Image([3, -1]).toArray(), 2)
print('2D 3x? array image (pixel):', samp_arr_img(reshape3x_).getInfo())
# [[0, 1],
#  [2, 3],
#  [4, 5]]

# Flatten a 2D 2x3 array to 1D 6-element array.
flattened = reshape2x3.arrayReshape(ee.Image([-1]).toArray(), 1)
print('2D array flattened to 1D:', samp_arr_img(flattened).getInfo())
# [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]