Usage | Returns |
Map.getScale() | Number|String |
No arguments.
// The default map in the Code Editor is a built-in ui.Map object called "Map". // Let's refer to it as "defaultMap" for clarity. var defaultMap = Map; // ui.Map objects can be constructed. Here, a new map is declared. var newMap = ui.Map({ center: {lat: 0, lon: 0, zoom: 1}, style: {position: 'bottom-right', width: '400px'} }); // Add the newMap to the defaultMap. defaultMap.add(newMap); // You can set the viewport of a ui.Map to be centered on an object. // Here, the defaultMap is centered on a point with a selected zoom level. var geom = ee.Geometry.Point(-122.0841, 37.4223); defaultMap.centerObject(geom, 18); defaultMap.addLayer(geom, {color: 'orange'}, 'Googleplex'); // Map extent can be fetched using the ui.Map.getBounds method. print('defaultMap bounds as a list', defaultMap.getBounds()); print('defaultMap bounds as a dictionary', ee.Dictionary.fromLists(['w', 's', 'e', 'n'], defaultMap.getBounds())); print('defaultMap bounds as GeoJSON', defaultMap.getBounds({asGeoJSON: true})); // Map center point can be fetched using the ui.Map.getCenter method. print('defaultMap center as a Point geometry', defaultMap.getCenter()); // Map zoom level can be fetched using the ui.Map.getZoom method. print('defaultMap zoom level', defaultMap.getZoom()); // Map scale can be fetched using the ui.Map.getScale method. print('defaultMap approximate pixel scale', defaultMap.getScale());