
Returns the convex hull of the given geometry. The convex hull of a single point is the point itself, the convex hull of collinear points is a line, and the convex hull of everything else is a polygon. Note that a degenerate polygon with all vertices on the same line will result in a line segment.

Rectangle.convexHull(maxError, proj)Geometry
this: geometryGeometryCalculates the convex hull of this geometry.
maxErrorErrorMargin, default: nullThe maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.
projProjection, default: nullThe projection in which to perform the operation. If not specified, the operation will be performed in a spherical coordinate system, and linear distances will be in meters on the sphere.


// Define a Rectangle object.
var rectangle = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-122.09, 37.42, -122.08, 37.43);

// Apply the convexHull method to the Rectangle object.
var rectangleConvexHull = rectangle.convexHull({'maxError': 1});

// Print the result to the console.
print('rectangle.convexHull(...) =', rectangleConvexHull);

// Display relevant geometries on the map.
Map.setCenter(-122.085, 37.422, 15);
             {'color': 'black'},
             'Geometry [black]: rectangle');
             {'color': 'red'},
             'Result [red]: rectangle.convexHull');

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
# Define a Rectangle object.
rectangle = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-122.09, 37.42, -122.08, 37.43)

# Apply the convexHull method to the Rectangle object.
rectangle_convex_hull = rectangle.convexHull(maxError=1)

# Print the result.
display('rectangle.convexHull(...) =', rectangle_convex_hull)

# Display relevant geometries on the map.
m = geemap.Map()
m.set_center(-122.085, 37.422, 15)
m.add_layer(rectangle, {'color': 'black'}, 'Geometry [black]: rectangle')
    {'color': 'red'},
    'Result [red]: rectangle.convexHull',