
Returns the length of the linear parts of the geometry. Polygonal parts are ignored. The length of multi geometries is the sum of the lengths of their components.

Rectangle.length(maxError, proj)Float
this: geometryGeometryThe input geometry.
maxErrorErrorMargin, default: nullThe maximum amount of error tolerated when performing any necessary reprojection.
projProjection, default: nullIf specified, the result will be in the units of the coordinate system of this projection. Otherwise it will be in meters.


// Define a Rectangle object.
var rectangle = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-122.09, 37.42, -122.08, 37.43);

// Apply the length method to the Rectangle object.
var rectangleLength = rectangle.length();

// Print the result to the console.
print('rectangle.length(...) =', rectangleLength);

// Display relevant geometries on the map.
Map.setCenter(-122.085, 37.422, 15);
             {'color': 'black'},
             'Geometry [black]: rectangle');

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
# Define a Rectangle object.
rectangle = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-122.09, 37.42, -122.08, 37.43)

# Apply the length method to the Rectangle object.
rectangle_length = rectangle.length()

# Print the result.
display('rectangle.length(...) =', rectangle_length)

# Display relevant geometries on the map.
m = geemap.Map()
m.set_center(-122.085, 37.422, 15)
m.add_layer(rectangle, {'color': 'black'}, 'Geometry [black]: rectangle')