
Returns a PixelType of the given precision with the given limits per element, and an optional dimensionality.

ee.PixelType(precision, minValue, maxValue, dimensions)PixelType
precisionObjectThe pixel precision, one of 'int', 'float', or 'double'.
minValueNumber, default: nullThe minimum value of pixels of this type. If precision is 'float' or 'double', this can be null, signifying negative infinity.
maxValueNumber, default: nullThe maximum value of pixels of this type. If precision is 'float' or 'double', this can be null, signifying positive infinity.
dimensionsInteger, default: 0The number of dimensions in which pixels of this type can vary; 0 is a scalar, 1 is a vector, 2 is a matrix, etc.


print(ee.PixelType('int', 0, 1));  // int ∈ [0, 1]
print(ee.PixelType('int', -20, -10));  // int ∈ [-20, -10]
print(ee.PixelType('float'));  // float
print(ee.PixelType('double'));  // double
print(ee.PixelType('double', null));  // double
print(ee.PixelType('double', null, null));  // double
print(ee.PixelType('double', null, null, 0));  // double
print(ee.PixelType('double', null, null, 1));  // double, 1 dimensions
print(ee.PixelType('double', null, null, 2));  // double, 2 dimensions
print(ee.PixelType('double', null, null, 3));  // double, 3 dimensions
print(ee.PixelType('double', null, null, 10));  // double, 10 dimensions
print(ee.PixelType('double', null, null, 1e8));  // double, 100000000 dimensions

print(ee.PixelType('double', 1, 2, 0));  // double ∈ [1, 2]
print(ee.PixelType('double', 1, 3, 2));  // double ∈ [1, 3], 2 dimensions
print(ee.PixelType('double', -4, -3, 0));  // double ∈ [-4, -3]

print(ee.PixelType('double', null, 2.3, 0));  // double
print(ee.PixelType('double', 3.4, null, 0));  // double

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
print(ee.PixelType('int', 0, 1).getInfo())  # int ∈ [0, 1]
print(ee.PixelType('int', -20, -10).getInfo())  # int ∈ [-20, -10]
print(ee.PixelType('float').getInfo())  # float
print(ee.PixelType('double').getInfo())  # double
print(ee.PixelType('double', None).getInfo())  # double
print(ee.PixelType('double', None, None).getInfo())  # double
print(ee.PixelType('double', None, None, 0).getInfo())  # double
print(ee.PixelType('double', None, None, 1).getInfo())  # double, 1 dimensions
print(ee.PixelType('double', None, None, 2).getInfo())  # double, 2 dimensions
print(ee.PixelType('double', None, None, 3).getInfo())  # double, 3 dimensions
print(ee.PixelType('double', None, None, 10).getInfo())  # double, 10 dimensions

# double, 100000000 dimensions
print(ee.PixelType('double', None, None, 1e8).getInfo())

print(ee.PixelType('double', 1, 2, 0).getInfo())  # double ∈ [1, 2]

# double ∈ [1, 3], 2 dimensions
print(ee.PixelType('double', 1, 3, 2).getInfo())
print(ee.PixelType('double', -4, -3, 0).getInfo())  # double ∈ [-4, -3]

print(ee.PixelType('double', None, 2.3, 0).getInfo())  # double
print(ee.PixelType('double', 3.4, None, 0).getInfo())  # double