
Iterate an algorithm over a list. The algorithm is expected to take two objects, the current list item, and the result from the previous iteration or the value of first for the first iteration.

List.iterate(function, first)Object
this: listList


// This example uses the ee.List.iterate function to generate a series of
// sequentially halved values.

// Declare a list that will hold the series of sequentially halved values,
// initialize it with the starting quantity.
var quantityList = [1000];

// Define the number of iterations as a list sequence.
var nSteps = ee.List.sequence(1, 10);

// Declare a function that takes the current element of the iteration list and
// the returned result of the previous iteration as inputs. In this case, the
// the function is returning an accumulating list of quantities that are reduced
// by half at each iteration.
var halfOfPrevious = function(currentElement, previousResult) {
  var previousQuantity = ee.Number(ee.List(previousResult).get(-1));
  var currentQuantity = previousQuantity.divide(2);
  return ee.List(previousResult).add(currentQuantity);

// Apply the function to the nSteps list, each element is an iteration.
quantityList = ee.List(nSteps.iterate(halfOfPrevious, quantityList));

// Display the results. Note that step 0 is included for the initial value.
print('Steps in the iteration of halved quantities', nSteps);
print('Series of sequentially halved quantities', quantityList);
  array: quantityList,
  axis: 0,
  xLabels: ee.List([0]).cat(nSteps)

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# This example uses the ee.List.iterate function to generate a series of
# sequentially halved values.

# Declare a list that will hold the series of sequentially halved values,
# initialize it with the starting quantity.
quantity_list = [1000]

# Define the number of iterations as a list sequence.
n_steps = ee.List.sequence(1, 10)

# Declare a function that takes the current element of the iteration list and
# the returned result of the previous iteration as inputs. In this case, the
# the function is returning an accumulating list of quantities that are reduced
# by half at each iteration.
def half_of_previous(current_element, previous_result):
  previous_quantity = ee.Number(ee.List(previous_result).get(-1))
  current_quantity = previous_quantity.divide(2)
  return ee.List(previous_result).add(current_quantity)

# Apply the function to the n_steps list, each element is an iteration.
quantity_list = ee.List(n_steps.iterate(half_of_previous, quantity_list))

# Display the results.
display('Steps in the iteration of halved quantities', n_steps)
display('Series of sequentially halved quantities', quantity_list)
quantity_list_client = quantity_list.getInfo()
plt.scatter(range(len(quantity_list_client)), quantity_list_client)