为了帮助您避免网站站长会遇到的常见搜索引擎优化 (SEO) 错误,我录制了一个视频,其中简要介绍了我在 SEO 行业中发现的五个常见错误。大约四年前,我们也曾向所有读者收集过关于 SEO 的建议,并根据大家的反馈更新了相关的帮助中心文章。2008 年的大部分建议在今天仍然适用,下面是一些可助您在今后多年打造超棒网站的建议,敬请参阅!
目标分散:谨慎设定有关 SEO 的目标,确保这些目标与贵公司的总体目标及其他部门的目标一致。例如,您应使 SEO 目标与商品网页(以及用户来到您网站后的全部体验)优化工作一致,还要为营销团队即将推出的广告系列贡献自己的专业知识。因此,如果营销团队要发布新视频或更具互动性的网站,请确保搜索用户也能找到这些内容。
[null,null,[],[[["This post highlights common SEO mistakes to avoid, such as lacking a clear value proposition, disjointed strategies, inefficient workarounds, chasing fleeting trends, and slow website updates."],["It emphasizes six fundamental SEO tips, including offering unique content, using relevant keywords, optimizing website structure and tags, signing up for Webmaster Tools email forwarding, promoting natural engagement, and staying current with content and user experience."],["The post aims to guide webmasters in enhancing their website's search engine optimization for lasting success by focusing on user experience and relevant content."],["It encourages website owners to consider their target audience's needs and search behaviors when developing and optimizing their online presence."]]],["The content outlines five common SEO mistakes: lacking a value proposition, using a segmented approach, employing time-consuming workarounds, chasing trends, and slow iteration. It then provides six fundamental SEO tips: creating a unique site, including relevant keywords, optimizing tags and site architecture, using email forwarding in Webmaster Tools, attracting buzz, and staying updated and relevant. The information also references a video on the common mistakes.\n"]]