了解 Google 新闻背后的来源
2021 年 6 月 1 日,星期二
透明度也是 Google 新闻政策的重要组成部分。这些政策有助于决定可在 Google 新闻和其他新闻界面中显示的内容,并确保我们推送的内容来自受信任的权威来源。今天,我们将分享更多有关透明度政策的信息,以便帮助新闻媒体了解这些政策背后的原则,以及如何在实践中遵循这些原则。
- 针对不同的国家和地区,我们围绕透明度提出了不同的预期和做法。在新闻自由度较低的区域,这一点尤为重要,因为公开记者姓名等做法可能会带来极大的风险。
- 我们参考了多方意见,并广泛考虑了编辑行业的各种做法。这有助于确保独特的编辑理念(例如发布无署名的新闻)不会影响权威来源的可信度。
- 我们考虑提供可明确发布给用户的信息,以确保规模较大、技术较为成熟的网站与规模较小、使用简单文本传递信息的网站具有相同的曝光度。
在网站级别,我们寻找的信息应有助于读者了解网站用途、组织结构,以及可从该网站获取的信息类型。这些信息的种类十分广泛,包括使命宣言、编辑政策和标准、编辑和业务人员的团队信息和个人信息、非通用联系信息,以及组织所有者和/或资金来源等其他组织级信息(例如,州赞助商、与政党或 PAC 的关系)。
发布者:搜索产品经理 Jen Granito
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
[null,null,[],[[["News sources build trust by providing clear dates, bylines, author information, and contact information, aligning with Google's news policies for content eligibility on Google News and other platforms."],["Google's transparency policy considers what information is helpful for users to assess credibility, aligning with academic research, industry best practices, and user testing."],["The policy acknowledges diverse global news ecosystems, including regional practices, various editorial philosophies, and site resources, to be inclusive and responsive."],["Article-level transparency focuses on bylines, publishing dates, and article type labeling for quick context, while site-level transparency includes mission statements, editorial policies, staff information, and contact details."],["Google emphasizes a thoughtful, dynamic approach to transparency that considers local norms, editorial philosophies, and evolving standards to help users stay informed and news sources be recognized."]]],["News sources build trust through transparency, providing clear dates, bylines, author information, and details about the news source and its creators. Google's news policies emphasize transparency to elevate trustworthy content. These policies consider regional practices, editorial variations, and accessibility of information. At the article level, they assess bylines, dates, and article type; at the site level, they look for mission statements, staff information, contact details, and organizational structure. Google aims to promote informed news consumption globally and recognize credible sources.\n"]]