有多少个 Google 网页使用了描述性的标题标记?我们是否使用了说明 meta 标记?标题标记?虽然我们始终努力做到以用户为中心,但我们的产品能否采用搜索引擎优化 (SEO) 优化?以上只是我们通过 Google 的 SEO 报告卡回答的一些问题。
Google 的 SEO 报告卡旨在为 Google 的产品团队提供建议,帮助他们了解如何通过简单且可接受的优化措施来改进其产品网页。这些优化措施不仅可以帮助搜索引擎更好地了解我们网页的内容,还可以改善用户访问我们网站时的体验。修正网页中的 404 错误和损坏的链接、简化网址选择以及为网页提供更易理解的标题和摘要等简单步骤对用户和搜索引擎都有益。从该项目开始时,我们还想公开发布报告卡,以便其他公司和网站站长从报告中汲取经验,该报告中包含数十个直接从我们产品页面获取的示例。
该项目查看了 100 种不同 Google 产品的主页面,并针对十几个常见的优化类别进行衡量。该项目的未来迭代版本可能会着眼于更深层次的 Google 产品网页以及国际网页。我们上个月在 Google 内部发布了报告卡,自那时起,许多团队都对其采取了措施或计划对此采取措施。
[null,null,[],[[["Google's SEO Report Card provides product teams with ideas to improve their products' pages using simple and accepted SEO optimizations."],["These optimizations are intended to improve search engine understanding and user experience."],["The report card examined 100 Google product pages across 12 optimization categories."],["Google encourages other companies and webmasters to utilize the report and provide feedback."],["Google's SEO Starter Guide is recommended for those looking to conduct their own SEO tune-up."]]],["Google's SEO Report Card assessed 100 product pages across a dozen optimization categories, aiming to improve search engine understanding and user experience. Key actions included fixing broken links, simplifying URLs, and improving page titles. The project sought to provide Google teams with optimization ideas and share lessons with other webmasters. Many teams have already taken or are planning to take action. The report card is public. Future versions will examine deeper product pages and international ones.\n"]]