Google 一直致力于改进算法,以提供尽可能相关且无网络垃圾的搜索结果。感谢您一直以来使用 Google 网站站长工具中的垃圾信息举报表单,就违反网站站长指南的网站发送垃圾信息举报,助力我们履行这一使命。虽然您可能不会立即看到更改,但我们非常重视您的举报,并且会根据这些举报调整我们的算法。您的反馈非常重要,可帮助我们保护搜索结果的完整性。我们还会对收到的许多垃圾信息举报采取人工处置措施。最近的一篇博文详细介绍了如何识别网络垃圾。
为了给经常举报网络垃圾或有意愿这么做的用户提供方便,我们发布了举报网络垃圾的 Chrome 扩展程序,以简化这一过程。该扩展程序会将“举报网络垃圾”链接添加到搜索结果和网络历史记录中,您可以通过该链接直接转到垃圾信息举报表单,系统会自动填写某些表单字段。借助该扩展程序,只需轻轻一点,即可填好 Google 的垃圾信息举报表单。
[null,null,[],[[["Google utilizes spam reports submitted by users to enhance search algorithms and maintain search result integrity."],["Google takes manual action on many spam reports to combat webspam and protect search quality."],["While a Chrome extension was previously available for reporting spam, it has been discontinued; users are now directed to the latest post about reporting spam for current instructions."],["Google values user privacy and ensures that personal Chrome history data used for spam reporting is not sent to Google servers."]]],["Google encourages users to report spam via a form within Google Webmaster Tools to improve search result quality. User reports are used to refine algorithms and take manual action against spam. A now-defunct Chrome extension was introduced to simplify reporting by adding \"Report spam\" links to search results and allowing quick form completion via browser history access. The extension did not transmit user history data to Google servers. It was available in 16 languages.\n"]]