No matter where in the world you are, you can vote right now on webmaster-oriented questions by
registering for our Webmaster chat
("Tricks and Treats") which is scheduled for tomorrow at 9am PDT (5pm GMT). Even better: you can
suggest your own questions that you'd like Webmaster Central Googlers to answer.
We're using the new Google Moderator tool,
so posting questions and voting on your favorites is fun and easy; you'll receive an e-mail with
a link to the webmaster chat questions right after you register. Click on the check mark next to
questions you find particularly interesting and important. Click on the X next to questions that
seem less relevant or useful. From your votes, Google Moderator will surface the best questions,
helping us spend more time in the chat on issues you really care about.
P.S.—Speaking of voting: If you're an American citizen, we hope you're also participating
in the upcoming presidential election! Our friends in Google Maps have even prepared a handy
lookup tool to help you
find your voting place—
check it out!
Written by Adam Lasnik, Search Evangelist (and humble host of this event)
[null,null,[],[[["Participate in a live Webmaster chat to vote on and suggest webmaster-oriented questions for Google's Webmaster Central team to answer."],["The chat, \"Tricks and Treats,\" will be held on October 22nd, 2008, at 9 am PDT (5 pm GMT) using the Google Moderator tool, allowing for easy question submission and voting."],["Register for the Webmaster chat to receive an email with a link to the questions and cast your votes to help prioritize the discussion topics."],["This blog post may contain outdated information, such as broken links or missing images."],["American citizens are encouraged to utilize the Google Maps voting place lookup tool for the upcoming presidential election."]]],["A webmaster-focused chat event, \"Tricks and Treats,\" was announced for the next day at 9 am PDT (5 pm GMT). Attendees could register and submit questions through the Google Moderator tool. Users could also vote on questions, highlighting relevant ones and downvoting others. The event aimed to address user-prioritized topics. Additionally, a tool to find voting places for the upcoming presidential election was also provided. A link to a previous post providing more details of this event was also supplied.\n"]]