Search Off The Record(查无记录)播客 - Google 搜索关系团队的幕后故事
2020 年 8 月 3 日,星期一
作为 Google 的搜索关系团队,我们随时为网站所有者提供帮助,确保他们的网站在 Google 搜索中取得理想排名。我们在此博客上撰写内容,创建并维护 Google 搜索文档,在我们的 YouTube 频道上制作视频,现在我们也在计划推出 Search Off the Record(查无记录)播客!
在此播客中,我们团队中的 John、Gary Illyes 和 Martin 将探讨各种主题,并简要介绍 Google 搜索的幕后故事。
- Google 搜索的最新动态
- 近期公告的背景信息
- 来自搜索引擎优化 (SEO) 和 Web 开发者社区的新闻
- 过去的故事
- 我们目前正在开展的工作
- 餐饮
- 我们天马行空的想法
- 双关语、笑话等
欢迎收听前几集播客,并在您所选的播客平台(例如 Google 播客、Apple 播客、Spotify、Overcast、Castbox 等)上订阅此播客,第一时间知晓最新发布的节目!我们会每隔几周发布一次新节目。
发布者:Google 搜索关系团队的驻场独角兽 Martin Splitt
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
[null,null,[],[[["The Google Search Relations team offers resources to help site owners succeed in Google Search, including a blog, documentation, a YouTube channel, and the Search Off The Record podcast."],["The Search Off The Record podcast, hosted by John, Gary Illyes, and Martin, provides insights into Google Search and discusses various topics."],["The podcast covers updates in Google Search, background on announcements, SEO and web developer community news, past stories, current projects, and more."],["New episodes of the Search Off The Record podcast are released every few weeks and can be accessed through various platforms like Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, and Castbox."]]],["Google's Search Relations team, including John, Gary Illyes, and Martin, launched the \"Search Off The Record\" podcast. They will discuss Google Search updates, recent announcements, SEO and web developer community news, behind-the-scenes stories, ongoing projects, and even unrelated topics like food. New episodes are released every few weeks, available on various platforms like Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and others. The team also shares information via blog posts, Google Search documentation and YouTube videos.\n"]]