Search Console 中与商品搜索结果相关的新报告
2019 年 11 月 20 日(星期三)
我们近期宣布,除了 标记之外,还会使用通过 Google Merchant Center 和 Google Manufacturer Center 提交的商品数据 Feed 丰富 Google 搜索的购物体验。今天,我们宣布要在 Search Console 效果报告中推出全新的搜索结果呈现类型,此类型可以针对 Google 搜索上的商品富媒体搜索结果捕获搜索统计信息。
用户使用 Google 的目的是发现、研究和决定要选择哪些品牌,购买哪些商品。为了向买家提供有用的商品信息,Google 会在搜索结果中显示丰富的商品数据,例如商品说明、价格和库存状况。
网站所有者需要了解这些富媒体搜索结果的影响。Google Search Console 效果报告提供点击次数和展示次数等关键指标,帮助网站站长了解并优化其网站在 Google 搜索上的表现。这些指标可以按设备、地理位置和查询进一步细分。
- 多少流量来自价格、库存状况等丰富数据的体验?
如果您对 Search Console 的此报告和其他报告有任何疑问,欢迎通过论坛或 Twitter 告诉我们。
发布者:Siddhartha Garg,产品经理
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[null,null,[],[[["Google will use product data feeds, in addition to markup, to enhance Google Search shopping journeys."],["A new \"Product results\" Search Appearance is available in Google Search Console, providing insights into product rich results performance."],["Website owners can use this report to track traffic, understand the impact of rich product data, and identify top shopping search queries."],["The report helps analyze the impact of rich data like price and availability on traffic, and understand traffic changes over time."]]],["Google Search Console's Performance report now includes a \"Product results\" Search Appearance type. This addition allows website owners to analyze traffic from product rich results, such as price and availability displays. Webmasters can segment their data by device, geography, and queries to understand how shopping traffic changes over time and for which search queries their site appears. Product data from Google Merchant Center and Manufacturer Center, and markup enriches the user's shopping journey.\n"]]