新版 Search Console 中增添了“自动 DNS 验证”功能
2019 年 9 月 3 日(星期二)
早在今年 2 月份,我们就宣布了 Search Console 中已开始提供网域级数据,以便网站所有者全面了解自己的网站,让他们不必在不同资源之间来回切换,就能将所有相关数据尽收眼底。
然而,更改 DNS 记录有时并非易事,对中小型企业而言尤为如此。
我们了解到,阻碍网站所有者改用网域资源的主要难题在于如何验证网域。为帮助解决此难题,我们与众多域名注册商合作,使验证流程中的部分环节实现了自动化。相应流程会引导您逐步完成为更新注册商配置而需执行的必要步骤,让您的 DNS 记录能够包含我们提供的验证令牌。这将极大地简化验证流程。
如何使用“自动 DNS 验证”功能
要想利用新流程验证您的网域,请在资源选择器(Search Console 边栏顶部的下拉菜单)中点击“添加资源”。然后,选择“网域”选项。系统会引导您逐步完成一系列步骤,包括前往注册商网站应用更改;但与以前相比,您需完成的步骤更少、更简单了。如需详细了解如何验证网站,请参阅帮助中心。
我们希望,您能尽早使用这项新功能获得网域资源所有权。和往常一样,如果您想提供任何有助于改进产品的建议,请通过点击产品反馈按钮、访问网站站长社区或在 Twitter 上给我们留言,将您的想法告知我们。
发布者:Ruty Mundel,Search Console 工程团队
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
[null,null,[],[[["Google Search Console now offers domain-wide data, giving site owners a holistic view of their website's performance without needing to switch between properties."],["Domain property users reported increased understanding of their traffic data and higher satisfaction compared to using URL prefix properties."],["To simplify domain verification, Google partnered with domain registrars to automate the DNS record update process, making it easier for site owners to switch to Domain properties."],["Users can access the new verification flow by adding a 'Domain' property in Search Console and following the guided steps, including visiting their registrar site to apply changes."],["Google encourages site owners to utilize this new capability to gain ownership of their Domain property and provide feedback for further improvements."]]],["Site owners can now gain a comprehensive view of their site data using domain properties in Search Console. Many users found domain properties more useful than URL prefix properties, but verifying them was challenging. To simplify this, a new auto-DNS verification flow was introduced in collaboration with domain registrars. Users can add a domain property, and the system will guide them to update their registrar configuration with a verification token, streamlining the verification process.\n"]]