去年,我们推出了提供食谱指导的 Google Home,它可根据所选食谱逐步引导用户进行烹饪。鉴于 Google Home 用户数与日俱增,我们将发布新指南,以便您的食谱能够支持这种语音引导式体验。您可能会从更多来源获得流量,因为用户现在可通过 Google Home 上的 Google 助理发现您的食谱。更新后的结构化数据属性可为用户提供更多与您的食谱相关的信息,从而给您的网站带来更优质的流量。
我们更新了食谱开发者文档,目的是让用户能够通过 Google 搜索以及 Google Home 上的 Google 助理轻松发现和体验您制作的食谱。这会让您的网站获得更多潜在流量。为确保用户能够以更多方式访问您的食谱,我们需要更多有关您食谱的信息。现在,我们建议您提供以下属性:
现在,如果您想支持 Google Home 上的 Google 助理,则需指定 recipeIngredient 和 recipeInstructions 属性。添加这些属性可使您的食谱满足与 Google 助理集成的条件,从而方便更多用户发现您的食谱。如果您的食谱不具备这些属性,就无法利用 Google 助理的语音引导服务,不过它仍可显示在搜索结果中。
[null,null,[],[[["Google updated recipe structured data guidelines to enhance recipe search and Google Assistant integration on Google Home."],["Website owners should add structured data properties like videos, category, cuisine, and keywords for better recipe visibility."],["`recipeIngredient` and `recipeInstructions` properties are now required for Google Assistant integration on Google Home, enabling voice-guided cooking."],["Adding these properties increases recipe discoverability and potential traffic, while recipes without them may still appear in Google Search results."],["Detailed information and support are available in Google's Recipe developer documentation and Webmaster Help Forum."]]],["Google updated recipe guidelines for Google Search and Google Assistant on Google Home. Key actions include adding `video`, `category`, `cuisine`, and `keywords` properties to provide more recipe information. `recipeIngredient` and `recipeInstructions` are now required for Google Assistant integration. These updates allow users to discover recipes through voice guidance and enhance recipe discoverability, resulting in potential increased traffic for website. `HowToStep` and `HowToSection` properties offer enhanced instructions structure.\n"]]