再度举办 Search Central Unconference - 2021 年
2021 年 6 月 9 日,星期三
我们一直在用心倾听您的问题。很高兴在此宣布,我们将于 2021 年 6 月 21 日下午 3 点(世界协调时间,UTC)再度举办 Search Central Virtual Unconference。
什么是 Search Central Virtual Unconference?
您将有机会与其他网站所有者、搜索引擎优化人员、开发者、数字营销人员、发布商和 Google 产品团队(例如 Search Console 团队和 Google 搜索团队)协作,帮助我们向您和社区带来更多价值。
由于名额有限,为了在活动中收获多元化的意见看法,我们可能要根据背景和受众特征选择参与者,并在 6 月 16 日前通知您报名是否成功。
报名成功后,您与其他所有参与者、MC 和会议主持人将在 6 月 20 日收到 Google Meet 通话邀请。
您可以通过 Google Meet 语音和/或视频通话积极参与感兴趣的环节。请注意,我们不会录制会议内容,但会在活动结束后发布一篇博文,分享一些值得学习的尖货。
我们为您准备了很多需要投票表决的有趣提案,还有其他趣味多多的惊喜内容。请在 6 月 14 日之前火速报名,加入 Search Central Virtual Unconference。
发布者:Search Central Unconference 组织者 Terry Ednacot 和 Martin Splitt
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
[null,null,[],[[["The Search Central Virtual Unconference, taking place on June 21, 2021, at 3 PM UTC, is an interactive event where participants choose the sessions they attend."],["Attendees will collaborate with other site owners, SEOs, developers, digital marketers, publishers, and Google product teams."],["Registration is open until June 14th, with session selection being a part of the process, and confirmation of attendance sent by June 16th."],["The event facilitates active participation through voice and/or video calls via Google Meet in chosen sessions, which are not recorded but key learnings will be shared in a later blog post."]]],["The Search Central Virtual Unconference will be held on June 21, 2021, at 3 PM UTC. Participants will choose two sessions to actively participate in through discussions and feedback. Registration is open until June 14th, with confirmations sent by June 16th. Selected attendees will receive a Google Meet invitation on June 20th. The event, focused on collaboration between site owners, SEOs, developers, and Google teams, will not be recorded, but a follow-up blog post will highlight key learnings.\n"]]