Nir Kalush

Nir Kalush

产品经理,Google 趋势和 Search Console 团队

Nir Kalush 是 Google 趋势和 Search Console 团队的产品经理,主要负责开发有助于打造更好的开放网络和新闻生态系统的工具。此前,Nir 曾在 Google Ads(展示广告和应用广告)领域担任过各种职务。

在加入 Google 之前,Nir 曾在研究、工程、技术销售和项目管理领域担任过各种职务,涉及多个行业,包括 SAAS 初创公司、工程公司和研究机构。Nir 热衷于文化、体育和志愿服务。


Monday, May 02, 2016 Search is a powerful tool. It helps people to find, share, and access an amazing wealth of content regardless of how they connect or where they are located. As part of Google's search quality team, we work hard to ensure that


Tuesday, January 19, 2016 It's a new year and a perfect time to share with you our brand new Webmasters website. We spent a lot of time making this site right for you. We took our own advice by analyzing visitor behavior and conducting user studies


Monday, September 08, 2014 Today, the new Webmaster Academy goes live in 22 languages! New or beginner webmasters speaking a multitude of languages can now learn the fundamentals of making a great site, providing an enjoyable user experience, and


Tuesday, April 22, 2014 We've recently launched our global Google Webmasters Google+ page. Have you checked it out yet? Our page covers a plethora of topics: Follow us at and let us know in the comments what else you'd


Tuesday, March 18, 2014 Our Webmaster Academy is now available with new and targeted content! Two years ago, Webmaster Academy launched to teach new and beginner webmasters how to make great websites. In addition to adding new content, we've now
