If you use
Google Analytics
to track site data, you can now link your Webmaster Tools verified site to an Analytics profile
when they use the same
Google Account.
Not only will your Analytics profiles be accessible within Webmaster Tools, but you'll also be
able to more easily access a few Google Analytics features:
View your Google Analytics Referring Pages report directly from the
Links to your site
page in Webmaster Tools. This report helps you understand the overall trends in traffic volume
from referrals, as well as the sites driving those trends.
Access the Google Analytics Dashboard directly from the Analytics link in the top left bar when
you're on a site-related page.
To link a verified site in Webmaster Tools to a Google Analytics profile:
On the Webmaster Tools home page, click "Manage" next to the site you want, then click
"Google Analytics profile".
Select the profile you want to associate with the site, then click "Save".
[null,null,[],[[["Webmaster Tools verified sites can now be linked to Google Analytics profiles using the same Google Account."],["Linking these accounts allows access to Analytics profiles within Webmaster Tools and easier access to certain Analytics features."],["Users can view their Google Analytics Referring Pages report directly from the Webmaster Tools Links to your site page and access the Google Analytics Dashboard directly from Webmaster Tools."],["Linking is done through the Webmaster Tools home page by selecting \"Manage\" next to the site, then \"Google Analytics profile\", and choosing the desired profile."],["Each site owner needs to individually link their own account to a Google Analytics profile."]]],["Webmaster Tools allows linking a verified site to a Google Analytics profile using the same Google Account. This enables viewing the Analytics Referring Pages report within Webmaster Tools and accessing the Analytics Dashboard. To link, users click \"Manage\" next to a site on the Webmaster Tools homepage, then select \"Google Analytics profile\" and choose the desired profile. Each site owner must link their individual account. Note that the provided links may be outdated.\n"]]