New Search experiences in South Africa: Badges and refinement chips

Monday, September 16, 2024

We're sharing more information about our new search experiences in South Africa, and how South African platforms can express interest and participate.

With these new experiences, users in South Africa running travel and shopping searches may notice more visual and enhanced filtering capabilities. These experiences aim to:

  • Improve the visibility of South African platforms on the search results page
  • Make it easier for users to filter and explore South African results

New "South African" badge

A "South African" badge is shown on the search results page, for applicable web results and advertisements from eligible South African platforms in travel and shopping. This badge doesn't change the ranking of results. This new badge (example below) is available for travel and shopping queries in South Africa.

South African badge on a Google Search result

New "South African" refinement chips

Refinement chips can help users focus the Search page on specific types of web results. Searchers in South Africa can activate the "South African" refinement chip at the top of the Search results page to refine their view to eligible South African travel and shopping platforms. Eligible South African platforms don't need to add any markup in order to appear using the refinement chip.

South African refinement chip in Google Search

Learn more and express interest

These new experiences are launched to eligible sites in South Africa only. If your business is based in South Africa, you think you are eligible for these experiences, and you would like to express interest, you can start by filling out this interest form.