Ok Google,有什么最新资讯?
2018 年 7 月 24 日,星期二
自 2016 年推出 Google 助理以来,我们发现用户会询问天气、食谱和新闻等各类问题。为了让用户在查询新闻时获得可以信赖的结果,我们合作开发了新的 schema.org 结构化数据规范(称为“可朗读”),供符合条件的发布商标记新闻报道中最适合 Google 助理大声朗读的部分。
当有人问 Google 助理“Ok Google,美国国家航空航天局有什么最新消息吗?”时,Google 助理会以新闻报道的摘录和新闻机构名称做出回应。然后,Google 助理会询问用户是否想要收听另一篇新闻报道,并将相关链接发送到用户的移动设备。
作为新闻发布商,您可以根据开发者文档实现“可朗读”标记,使您的内容出现在 Google 助理上。此功能现已面向美国的英语用户提供,我们希望在足够多的发布商实现了“可朗读”后,尽快以其他语言在更多国家/地区推出这项功能。由于这是一项新功能,因此我们会不断进行实验,以优化发布商和用户体验。
发布者:TV Raman,高级软件工程师
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
[null,null,[],[[["Google Assistant now uses a new schema.org structured data called speakable, allowing eligible publishers to mark up sections of news articles for the Assistant to read aloud."],["Users can ask Google Assistant for news updates, and the Assistant will respond with relevant excerpts from news articles and links sent to the user's device."],["News publishers in the US can implement Speakable markup to surface their English language content on Google Assistant."],["This feature is currently being refined and will eventually be available in other languages and countries."]]],["Google introduced a \"speakable\" schema for news publishers, allowing them to mark sections of articles for the Google Assistant to read aloud. When users query the Assistant for news, it will provide an excerpt and the news source, offering follow-up articles and links. Publishers can implement this by using Speakable markup. The feature is currently available for English users in the US, with plans for expansion after sufficient implementation by publishers. The company plans to refine the experience.\n"]]