[null,null,[],[[["Google now uses mobile-first indexing for over half of the pages shown in search results, prioritizing the mobile version of websites for indexing."],["Site owners are notified in Search Console when their site is moved to mobile-first indexing, which can also be confirmed by checking server logs for Googlebot Smartphone requests."],["Websites should ensure structured data and alt text for images are present on mobile pages, as these elements are crucial for search understanding and accessibility."],["For sites not using responsive design, common issues with mobile-first indexing include missing structured data and alt text on mobile pages, which can be addressed by comparing desktop and mobile versions."],["Google encourages website owners to embrace the mobile web and ensure their sites are optimized for mobile-first indexing, providing resources like the Webmaster forums and public events for support."]]],["Google now uses mobile-first indexing for over half of search results globally, crawling the web as a smartphone user would. Site owners are notified via Search Console when their sites are moved to this indexing. Key actions for site owners include confirming this change via server logs or the URL inspection tool, ensuring mobile pages have the same structured data as desktop versions, and adding alt text to images on mobile pages to improve discoverability.\n"]]