2021 年 1 月 11 日,星期一
从设计之初,Search Console 的主要目的之一就是帮助用户了解 Google 如何抓取其网站并将网站编入索引。发布新版 Search Console 时,我们还推出了“索引涵盖范围”报告,其中会显示您的资源中已被 Google 访问或尝试访问过的网址的索引编制状态。
在研究了从社区获得的反馈意见后,我们于今日推出了对此报告的重大改进。经过改进,当您的网页存在可能会导致 Google 无法抓取及将其编入索引的问题时,Search Console 会向您提供更详尽实用的信息。此次变更的重点在于提升现有问题的状态准确性,帮助您更轻松地解决问题。此次所做变更如下:
- 移除了宽泛的“抓取异常”问题类型:现在,所有抓取错误所对应的问题类型将更加细分明确。
- 已提交且编入索引但被 robots.txt 屏蔽的网页现在会报告为“已编入索引,但被屏蔽”(警告),而不再是“已提交,但被屏蔽”(错误)
- 增加了一类新问题:已编入索引,但没有内容(警告)
Soft 404
如有对该报告的反馈意见,欢迎通过 Google 搜索中心帮助社区或 Twitter 与我们分享。
发布者:Search Console 软件工程师 Tal Yadid
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
[null,null,[],[[["Google Search Console's Index Coverage report has been significantly improved to provide website owners with more accurate and detailed information about indexing issues."],["The update includes the removal of the generic \"crawl anomaly\" issue, refined categorization of indexing errors, and the addition of a new \"indexed without content\" warning."],["These changes aim to make it easier for users to identify and resolve issues that prevent Google from crawling and indexing their web pages, ultimately improving their site's visibility in search results."],["Google encourages users to provide feedback on the updated report through the Search Central Help Community or Twitter."]]],["The Index Coverage report in Google Search Console has been updated to provide more accurate information on website indexing. Changes include eliminating the \"crawl anomaly\" issue, replacing \"submitted but blocked\" with \"indexed but blocked\" for robots.txt conflicts, and adding a new \"indexed without content\" warning. Soft 404 reporting is now more precise, offering users a more detailed understanding of crawling and indexing issues. Feedback on these improvements is encouraged.\n"]]