वेनेसा फ़ॉक्स

वेनेसा फ़ॉक्स

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August 04, 2006 We're surrounded by moving boxes and construction dust. To better reflect our goal to provide tools and information to keep you, the webmasters, informed and help you increase your crawl coverage and visibility on Google, we're

4 अगस्त 2006

August 03, 2006 Yesterday's post was about how BlogHer attendees (and anyone else) can ensure that their web pages get indexed in Google. Here are more tips:

3 अगस्त 2006

August 02, 2006 I just got back from BlogHer, a conference primarily for women about the technical and community aspects of blogging. As a woman who blogs, I had a wonderful time. As a woman who blogs about topics of interest to site owners, I gained

2 अगस्त 2006

June 21, 2006 In response to your requests, our latest release expands some of the features of Google Sitemaps. Here's a roundup of what's new. Previously, we showed you up to 10 URLs for each error type. We now show all URLs we've had trouble

21 जून 2006

June 11, 2006 If you use Sitemaps, you should check our our Google Group. The Sitemaps team monitors this community to learn about any issues Sitemaps regulars may be having, as well as about feature requests and suggestions for enhancements. In

11 जून 2006

June 09, 2006 We've fixed the issue with the trailing slash in site: operator queries. Queries for site:www.example.com and site:www.example.com/ should now return the same set of results. Thanks for your feedback and patience.

9 जून 2006

May 28, 2006 We had a great time at Search Engine Watch Live Seattle last week, answering questions and getting feedback. We even got to meet one of our Google Group members! We wanted to share some of the questions we answered for those who couldn't

28 मई 2006

May 24, 2006 In this post, we thought we'd answer a couple of the questions we've been seeing in the Google Group lately. There are several reasons we ask you to add the Sitemap file. Here are a couple of them: This can happen when both versions of

24 मई 2006

May 19, 2006 We'd like to give you all a quick update on some of the issues you have been seeing when you do a site: search to see how many pages of your site are in the index. We've been refreshing our supplemental results (you can read more about

19 मई 2006

May 17, 2006 Recently, we told you that we were working on making verification of site ownership available for https sites. This is now available, so if you have an https site, you can now verify site ownership and see statistics and diagnostic

17 मई 2006

May 02, 2006 As we mentioned last week, we've added a new option for verifying site ownership. This method requires that you place a specific <meta> tag in the source code of your home page. Many features are available only to site owners and

2 मई 2006

April 26, 2006 Thanks to our users for alerting us to an issue with incorrectly reporting that sites and Sitemaps were being blocked by robots.txt files. We have resolved this issue. If you were unable to add a site or Sitemap because of this issue,

26 अप्रैल 2006

April 26, 2006 If you log in to Sitemaps today, you'll notice some changes. We've revamped the interface based on your feedback to make your account easier to use. There's more below on the facelift, but first, here are details about the new features

26 अप्रैल 2006

April 21, 2006 We had a great time meeting with webmasters and talking about Sitemaps at Pubcon in Boston. We value feedback and suggestions, and appreciate our Google Group posters. But it's great to be able to talk to webmasters in person too. For

21 अप्रैल 2006

April 17, 2006 If you're planning to be at PubCon in Boston this week, join us for lunch with Googlers on Tuesday at 12:50. We'll be talking about how to get the most from your Sitemaps account and answering your questions. Hope to see you there!

17 अप्रैल 2006

April 16, 2006 We've just updated our list of third-party tools that support Sitemaps. Check it out if you're looking to create a Sitemap. We appreciate the support of the Sitemaps community and all the hard work that has gone into development of

16 अप्रैल 2006

April 14, 2006 With our recent infrastructure changes, we've made some minor changes in how we process the lastmod attribute. If you omit the time portion, it defaults to midnight UTC (00:00:00Z). If you specify a time, but omit the timezone, you'll

14 अप्रैल 2006

April 12, 2006 Some of you have had trouble verifying ownership of https sites (for instance, https://www.example.com/ ). We are working on this issue and will have it resolved as quickly as possible. We'll let you know as soon as you are able to

12 अप्रैल 2006

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