Google 很高興在此宣布,我們放寬在 Google 搜尋使用加強型產品體驗的資格,現在只要透過 Product 結構化資料就能使用。這些加強型產品體驗先前僅適用於 Merchant Center 使用者。此外,我們也更新了 Search Console 中的說明文件和報表,讓您更容易瞭解這些體驗的相關規定。
最初,Google 搜尋結果中的產品摘要主要採用 的 Product 結構化資料技術,而商家資訊體驗則主要透過 Google Merchant Center 動態饋給提供產品詳細資料。現在起,即使沒有 Google Merchant Center 帳戶,商家也可以在網頁上提供產品資料,藉此使用商家資訊體驗。使用資格能夠放寬,部分得益於近期 中產品相關屬性和類型的擴充 (針對服飾尺寸和能源效率評分等領域)。
[null,null,[],[[["Google has expanded eligibility for enhanced product experiences in search results to websites that use Product structured data, including those without a Google Merchant Center account."],["Two new Search Console reports—Merchant listings and Product snippets—are available to help websites monitor and troubleshoot their product structured data."],["Merchant listing experiences offer enhanced features like Shopping Knowledge Panels and Popular Products, while product snippets provide basic product information in search results."],["Websites selling products should use the Merchant listings report, while those publishing product reviews or aggregating product data should use the Product snippets report."],["Detailed information and support can be found in the updated Product structured data documentation and the Google Search Central forum."]]],["Google expanded eligibility for enhanced product experiences in Search, previously exclusive to Merchant Center users, to websites using `Product` structured data. Two categories are now available: Merchant listings for pages selling products, and Product snippets for pages with product information. Two new Search Console reports, Merchant listings and Product snippets, replace the old Product report, offering insights into structured data implementation. Merchants should use both reports if selling and reviewing products. Websites only sharing product information should use the Product snippets report.\n"]]