Jonathan Simon


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2012 年 3 月 6 日,星期二 我們推出了一項新功能,讓經過驗證的網站擁有者能針對網站管理員工具中的網站資料和設定,授予有限的存取權。您在幾年前已可以 授予其他使用者經過驗證的完整存取權 。許多網站擁有者自那時起提出要求,希望能夠授予其他使用者有限的存取權,像是能在網站管理員工具中檢視網站資料,但無法修改所有設定。您現在可以使用全新的「使用者」管理功能來達成上述要求。 在首頁中按一下「管理網站」下拉式選單後,就會看到先前的「新增或移除擁有者」選項已更名為「新增或移除使用者」。



2010 年 4 月 20 日,星期二 歡迎閱讀網址移除系列網站文章第 3 集!在第 1 集和第 2 集中,我們談論了如何 加速移除由您控管的內容 和 要求加速移除快取內容 。今天,我們來談談如何使用 Google 的 公開網址移除工具 ,要求將不屬於您控管的網站上的內容從 Google 搜尋結果中移除。 Google 提供兩項可以加速移除內容的工具: 有時候會發生這種情況:您想要移除的資訊來自非您所擁有或不是您控管的網站。由於每個網站管理員都會控管自家網站和網站內容,因此更新或移除


Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Today we're introducing a tool that enables you to disavow links to your site. If you've been notified of a manual spam action based on "unnatural links" pointing to your site, this tool can help you address the issue. If


Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Webmaster Tools now has a new download option for exporting your data directly to a Google Spreadsheet. The download option is available for most of our data heavy features, such as Crawl errors, Search queries, and Links to


Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Webmaster Tools added lots of new functionality over the past year, such as improvements to Sitemaps and Crawl errors, as well as the new User Administration feature. In recent weeks, we also updated the look and feel of our


Thursday, December 22, 2011 For all the developers who have expressed interest in getting programmatic access to the search queries data for their sites in Webmaster Tools, we've got some good news. You can now get access to your search queries data


Wednesday, August 03, 2011 The Fetch as Googlebot feature in Webmaster Tools now provides a way to submit new and updated URLs to Google for indexing. After you fetch a URL as Googlebot, if the fetch is successful, you'll now see the option to submit


Tuesday, May 17, 2011 We recently made a change to the Remove URL tool in Webmaster Tools to eliminate the requirement that the webpage's URL must first be blocked by a site owner before the page can be removed from Google's search results. Because


Friday, December 10, 2010 Just in time for the holidays, the Webmaster Tools team has updated the "Search queries" and "Links to your site" features. Throughout the past year we've made some significant changes to the search queries feature in


Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Do you know how Google's crawler, Googlebot, handles conflicting rules in your robots.txt file? Do you know how to prevent a PDF file from being indexed? Do you know Googlebot's favorite song? The answers to these


Wednesday, October 13, 2010 The "Links to your site" feature in Webmaster Tools is now updated to show you which domains link the most to your site, in addition to other improvements. On the overview page you'll notice that there are three main


Friday, October 08, 2010 We've just released updates to several features in Webmaster Tools to provide you with more detail and more control of how your site appears in search results. Time does not stand still and neither should your site. With that


Monday, July 26, 2010 When Googlebot crawls your site, it's expected that most URLs will return a 200 response code, some a 404 response, some will be disallowed by robots.txt, etc. Whenever we're unable to reach your content, we show this


Tuesday, June 29, 2010 Have you ever wanted to submit your various content types (video, images, etc.) in one Sitemap? Now you can! If your site contains videos, images, mobile URLs, code or geo information, you can now create—and submit—a Sitemap


Monday, June 07, 2010 Today we're releasing a feature to help you discover if your site serves undesirable soft or crypto 404 s. A soft 404 occurs when a webserver responds with a 200 OK HTTP response code for a page that doesn't exist rather than


Thursday, April 15, 2010 Today, as announced on the Official Google Blog, we've taken an additional step to improve access to Google webmaster services. Parallels, one of the leading providers of control panel software to hosting companies, has


Wednesday, April 14, 2010 We've got good news for site owners who are frequent users of the Top search queries feature in Webmaster Tools: we're now providing more detailed data for each individual search query. We previously just reported the
