Susan Moskwa
查看 Susan Moskwa 在 Google 搜索中心博客上发布的博文。
2011 年 9 月 29 日,星期四
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404 错误会影响我的网站吗?
2011 年 5 月 2 日,星期一 您正在想着自己的事情,用网站站长工具看看自己的网站有多棒…但是,等等! 抓取错误 页面中显示了大量 404 (Not found) 错误 !是即将出现严重后果吗? 别担心,我的新手网站站长。我们来了解一下 404 错误,看看这些错误会对您的网站产生什么影响(或没有影响): 问:网站站长工具中报告的 404 错误是否会影响我的网站排名? 答: 404 错误是网页的完全正常部分;互联网不断变化,新内容诞生,旧内容终止,当它终止时(理想情况下),就会返回 404
۲ مهٔ ۲۰۱۱
2010 年 5 月 3 日(星期一) 在网址移除系列的最后一篇文章中,我们将讨论如何跟进您的移除要求,以及何时不应使用 Google 的网址移除工具。 如果您还没有阅读本系列中的前几篇文章,建议您阅读: 您可能还想了解如何 管理可在线获取的哪些信息 。 您提交移除请求后,该请求即会显示在您的请求列表中。您可以随时查看请求的状态,以了解相应内容是否已被移除,或者相关请求是仍处于待处理状态还是待处理状态还是被拒绝。
۳ مهٔ ۲۰۱۰
2010 年 3 月 30 日,星期二 现在,互联网上有很多内容 。有时,某些内容可能会在网上出现,而实际上您可能并不想看到这些内容,无论是从您后悔发布的煽动性博文,还是无意中泄露的机密数据。在大多数情况下,删除或限制访问此类内容会导致它在一段时间后自然地从搜索结果中移除。但是,如果您急需移除已由 Google 编入索引的不当内容,并且无法等待其自动消失,可以使用我们的网址移除工具加快从我们的搜索结果中移除内容,但前提是符合特定 条件 (我们将在下文中讨论)。
۳۰ مارس ۲۰۱۰
Website testing and Google search
Thursday, August 09, 2012 We've gotten several questions recently about whether website testing—such as A/B or multivariate testing—affects a site's performance in search results. We're glad you're asking, because we're glad you're testing! A/B and
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Preparing your site for a traffic spike
Thursday, February 09, 2012 It's a moment any site owner both looks forward to, and dreads: a huge surge in traffic to your site (yay!) can often cause your site to crash (boo!). Maybe you'll create a piece of viral content, or get Slashdotted, or
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Update to Top Search Queries data
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 Starting today, we're updating our Top Search Queries feature to make it better match expectations about search engine rankings. Previously we reported the average position of all URLs from your site for a given query. As
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Reorganizing internal vs. external backlinks
Wednesday, August 31, 2011 Today we're making a change to the way we categorize link data in Webmaster Tools. As you know, Webmaster Tools lists links pointing to your site in two separate categories: links coming from other sites, and links from
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Submit URLs to Google with Fetch as Googlebot
Wednesday, August 03, 2011 The Fetch as Googlebot feature in Webmaster Tools now provides a way to submit new and updated URLs to Google for indexing. After you fetch a URL as Googlebot, if the fetch is successful, you'll now see the option to submit
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Beyond PageRank: Graduating to actionable metrics
Friday, July 01, 2011 Like any curious netizen, I have a Google Alert set up to email me whenever my name is mentioned online. Usually I get a slow trickle of my forum posts, blog posts, and tweets. But by far the most popular topic of these alerts
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Tips for getting help with your site
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 As a search company, we at Google try to develop scalable solutions to problems. In fact, Webmaster Tools was born out of this instinct: rather than fighting the losing battle of trying to respond to questions via email
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Dealing with low-quality backlinks
Friday, October 16, 2009 Webmasters who check their incoming links in Webmaster Tools often ask us what they can do when they see low-quality links. Understandably, many site owners are trying to build a good reputation for their sites, and some
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Managing your reputation through search results
Thursday, October 15, 2009 Cross-posted on the Official Google Blog A few years ago I couldn't wait to get married. Because I was in love, yeah; but more importantly, so that I could take my husband's name and people would stop getting that
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Optimize your crawling and indexing
Monday, August 10, 2009 Many questions about website architecture, crawling and indexing, and even ranking issues can be boiled down to one central issue: How easy is it for search engines to crawl your site? We've spoken on this topic at a number of
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Advanced Q&A; from (the appropriately-named) SMX Advanced
Thursday, August 06, 2009 Earlier this summer SMX Advanced landed once again in our fair city—Seattle—and it was indeed advanced. I got a number of questions at some Q&A panels that I had to go back and do a little research on. Here, as promised,
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A new look for our Webmaster Help Group
Thursday, December 04, 2008 Googlers strongly believe in dogfooding our own products. We manage our work schedules with Google Calendar, publish our blogs on Blogger, and store scads of documentation on Google Sites. So, ever since we launched our
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Where's my data?
Monday, October 20, 2008 Today we're going back to basics. We'll be answering the question: What is a website?...Okay, not exactly. But we will be looking into what a "website" means in the context of Webmaster Tools, what kind of sites you can add
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Demystifying the "duplicate content penalty"
Friday, September 12, 2008 Duplicate content. There's just something about it. We keep writing about it, and people keep asking about it. In particular, I still hear a lot of webmasters worrying about whether they may have a "duplicate content
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Taking advantage of universal search, part 2
Tuesday, March 25, 2008 Universal search and personalized search were two of the hot topics at SMX West last month. Many webmasters wanted to know how these evolutions in search influence the way their content appears in search results, and how they
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7 must-read Webmaster Central blog posts
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 Our search quality and Webmaster Central teams love helping webmasters solve problems. But since we can't be in all places at all times answering all questions, we also try hard to show you how to help yourself. We put a
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Sitemaps FAQs
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 Last month, Trevor spoke on the Sitemaps: Oversold, Misused or On The Money? panel at Search Engine Strategies in Chicago. After receiving a lot of great questions at the conference in addition to all the feedback we receive
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