雖然現在大多數網頁的文字和內容不需經過縮放也清晰易讀,但最近我們發現,許多網頁會向使用者顯示干擾性的插頁式內容。這些網頁還是會顯示基本內容,也能供 Google 建立索引,但隨附的插頁式內容卻可能在視覺上干擾主體文字,影響使用者瀏覽。使用者輕觸搜尋結果後,卻無法輕鬆查看想要的內容,可能會因此感到不快。
在決定網頁排名的指標中,有一項指標會檢查邀請使用者安裝行動應用程式的插頁式廣告,我們先前曾探討過該指標。隨著開發工作持續進行,我們發現有必要把更多種插頁式內容一起納入觀察範圍。同時,為了避免指標重複,現在我們在測試行動裝置相容性時,不再檢查上述應用程式安裝邀請廣告;這類插入式廣告現在已整合到 Google 搜尋這個全新的觀察指標內。
[null,null,[],[[["Google is removing the mobile-friendly label from mobile search results as 85% of pages now meet the criteria, but it remains a ranking signal."],["Google will be lowering the rank of pages that show intrusive interstitials (e.g., pop-ups, standalone interstitials) that hinder content access on mobile."],["This new ranking signal, effective after January 10, 2017, aims to improve user experience by prioritizing easily accessible content on mobile devices."],["Interstitials used for legal obligations (cookie usage, age verification), login dialogs, and reasonably sized banners are generally not affected."],["While this is a significant ranking signal, pages with high-quality, relevant content may still rank well even with interstitials."]]],["Google's mobile search will change, impacting page rankings starting January 10, 2017. The \"mobile-friendly\" label will be removed, but its criteria remain a ranking factor. Pages with content obscured by intrusive interstitials—like pop-ups or standalone displays—will rank lower. Exceptions include legal obligations, logins for non-public content, and reasonable banners. This is one ranking factor among many, and content relevance remains important. Google suggests consulting the webmaster forums for more questions.\n"]]